Services overview
A specialist provider of end-to-end Market Research & Fieldwork solutions, across various industries. We are Asia’s leading multicountry data collection agency. Our vision is to be recognized by clients as a versatile, diligent and most serviceable Global Leader in market research ancillary services. We had set- up our own benchmark by 100% back-check through synchronization of various methodologies for the purpose of delivering reliable, measurable and accurate data. We are having our own in-house team of moderators and also our own India's best designed One-Way viewing Focus Vision Enabled Facility, along with our own multilingual 35 seater enabled CATI center in Mumbai - The Financial Heart of India. 24X7 Project Reporting as per client's working hour.

We work directly with your company not as your partner but as an extended arm of your company. All our strategies and planning are focused to deliver you at the Time, Place and the Price you want and we mean it.