
A more challenging market segmentation is one based on behavior or needs. Behavioral segmentation segments on what companies buy, what companies produce and how companies produce it. Needs-based segmentation is obviously one of the most difficult to assess;
what do companies want?
what drives companies in their actions?
How B2B Segmentation Studies Can Help?

FieldGlobal Market Research Pvt Ltd Research and market research can help segment your market and so enable an effective marketing strategy, leading to competitive advantage in the marketplace. We will show you how to:

  • Differentiate products/services in line with your customers
  • Improve your competitive positioning
  • Shape your product offering and pricing strategy to fit the markets with most potential
  • Provide focus on your customers so that you can
  • Concentrate on providing profitable products or services
  • Target marketing and selling effort

We us several advanced analytics to perform demographic, psychographic, and benefits segmentation. Often we start the market segmentation process with qualitative research to define ways customers view the product category, and the differences in those views. perceive competing product categories, and brands within those categories. Comprehensive market segmentation research examines a broad range of demographic and psychographic determinants.

  • Market Segmentation Goals
    Estimate the market segment dimension salience or impact.
    Market segmentation dimensions may be demographic, behavioral, attitudinal, or a
  • Combination of these which may form psychographic segments.
    Estimate the market segment dimension salience or impact.
    Factors here may include buying frequency, strenth of product category importance,
  • perceived value of product use system, and consumer or business customer attitudes.
    Measure product appeal and purchase intent.

Purchase appeal and intent of brands and products, each with a unique brand image and positioning, further attunes our quest for market segment definition. We do this on real or proposed brands and products positioning and price-perfomance offers. The response patterns together with segment dimension data are assessed using advanced analytics. This aids us as we uncover high potential segments, their differentiated customer appeal, and further refines our brand segmentation approach and conclusions.


Quantitative Market Segmentation Methods

Stage 1: Developmental Market Segmentation Research Survey

A developmental survey -- typically phone, or online survey -- that takes hypotheses from our qualitative market segmentation exploration, constructing the survey questionnaire to bracked the initial dimensions, measure their importance, and the positition of cometitive brands and cross-category brands along the dimensions. Product and brand concepts are used to refine the power of each market segmentation dimension to discriminate. Basic statistical analysis may be employed in this developmental stage.

Stage 2: Statistical Quantitative Market Segmentation Study

Based on Stage 1 results dimensions are further refined and pared to a small relevant set.

We implement a larger sample survey to allow perfomance of statistical measurement tools. These may include Latent Class Analysis ( LCA ), conjoint analysis, multiple regression, perceptual mapping, correspondence analysis and other multivariate techniques. Our approach to this stage is practical while maintaining statistical rigor. The results of this multi-stage approach yields data for specific market segmentation recommendations, and preliminary branding positioning recommendations. Here at FieldGlobal Market Research Pvt Ltd, we believe the best segmentation is one that gets as close as possible to meeting customers’ needs – after all, this is more likely to resonate with customers and is much more difficult for a competitor to copy. Thus, segmentation lies at the heart of all successful marketing campaigns; in other words, finding groups of people with common needs so that they can be targeted with the most appropriate product, service or marketing message that resonates with their specific needs. In most consumer markets, needs correspond to value. In other words, if consumers really need something, they will value it and pay for it. FieldGlobal Market Research Pvt Ltd can help your company not only identify different segments in your consumer markets but also create different customer value propositions so that you can more closely meet their needs.

The major benefits of segmentation are fourfold:

  • We deliver improved profitability through value-added pricing
  • Gain market share by targeted marketing
  • Differentiate your offering to the competition
  • Improve customer retention through providing a variety of offerings in line with a customer’s stage in their life-cycle (after all, needs change over time)
