SMEs / SMBs Research

FieldGlobal Market Research Pvt Ltd provides solutions to companies looking to extract more value from the SMB/SME audience: We frequently segment populations of SMBs on the basis of their needs, enabling our clients to target with the appropriate offering in terms of product, price, place and promotion; We size SMB markets throughout the world; We conduct qualitative research into the needs, desires and ‘hot buttons’ of SMBs.Throughout all of these studies, we constantly bear in mind that we are researching a sophisticated target audience whose knowledge typically spans all areas of the business. SMEs/SMBs are of growing interest to b2b companies for a number of reasons.

Winning business from the very largest corporations is more competitive and difficult than ever before – markets are more international, margins are under more pressure, and requirements more rigid.

Delivering against many smaller contracts can be as lucrative, and lower risk, than relying on a small number of very large contracts.

The spread of the Internet provides a cheap and simple route to market that makes delivering to small companies more economical than it was 10 years ago.

The spread of the Internet means that SMEs/SMBs are more easily identifiable than ever before.

The development of business-to-business segmentation techniques makes targeting small- and medium-sized businesses simpler and more cost-effective than was previously the case.
